State number: №0121TJ1300

Research direction: - word formation and lexicography

Research direction: basic

Expiration date: 01.01.2021 29.12.2025

Project manager: Candidate of philology sciences Kholmatova S.D.


The independence of the Republic of Tajikistan has created a real and possible basis for the development of national values and moral traditions. In this process, all favorable conditions have been created for the formation and further development of the Tajik language as the state language and its literary norms. Having overcome all the limitations and obstacles to the formation of the language, he directed it to a new path of development.

The Tajik nation is aware of that all the treasures of our literature and culture are perpetuated by the language and recognized in the world by the language. Due to efforts of great figures of sciences and literature, the Tajik language has formed and changed as well as preserved the oldest and authentic historical and national elements from the depths of centuries and this treasure has been inherited up to present day.

The Founder of the peace and national unity, the Leader of the nation, the respected Emomali Rahmon, rightly declares: "The living Tajik Persian Dari language is a historical continuation of the same language in which "Avasto" is written, the same language in which "Khudoinomak" and "Ta’rikhi mulki Ajam"is written, the same language that to its developement in the Islamic era "Shahnoma" and "Masnavi manavi" is written, the same language that in Soviet society somehow saved itself from the cultural crisis and reached to the political and cultural independence, even it could write continuation  the fate of its owner with the pen of Aini, Tursunzada and Gafurov."

These words indicate that the Tajik language has great ability for word and and terminology formation. Every day thousands of new terms and phenomena enter the sphere of society's life, and there is a serious need for their adoption and systematic construction.

Research, development and regulation of this process, which is very important for demonstrating the strength and power of the national language and relates to various stages of the history of the more than a thousand-year-old new era of the Tajik language, since it is based on the branch of dictionary studies and the scientific study of dictionaries.

All these factors indicate that for the development of the Tajik language, it is important to research important issues of modern lexicography on the basis of translative and explanatory dictionaries. In the process of this research, it is necessary to develop, systematize and publish translative and explanatory dictionaries. These dictionaries will regulate the use of concepts and terms and will serve as an important resource for finding words, as well as for explaining new phenomena. Along with this, these dictionaries will be used as a norm and a correct example of oral and written speech.

The novelty of the project:

This research is actual and innovative in the sense that explanatory and translative  dictionaries are rarely researched from the point of word formative and term formation.

It should be noted that it is important to study and concretize the various features of words and terms of different fields used in translative and explanatory dictionaries.

Keywords: term formation, lexicography, translation dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, explanatory dictionaries, manuscript, development of the Tajik language, stages of the literary language.

Project objective:

The purpose of this research program is to study the following points:

- conducting research on the theoretical foundations of Tajik lexicography;

- conducting lexicographic studies of well-known classical and modern dictionaries of the Tajik language;

- preparation and publication of monographs on the topic of translation and bilingual dictionaries;

- preparation for printing of classically known dictionaries (XVI-XX centuries);

- preparation for the printing of translation dictionaries of the Tajik language;

- delivering speech at national and international symposiums and conferences, mass media on the topic of Tajik lexicography;

- training of young specialists in the field of lexicography, lexicology and terminology

                                        List of project performers:

Ному насаб


Дараҷаи илмӣ

Nazarzoda Saifiddin


Doctor of Philology Sciences, Corresponding member of NAST

Sultanov Mirzohasan


Doctor of Philology Sciences, Corresponding member of NAST

Holmatova Sanavbar

Project manager

Candidate of Philology Sciences

Kholnazarova Zebuniso


Candidate of Philology Sciences

Rakhmonzoda Nuronsho


Candidate of Philology Sciences

Mohammadhodzhayeva Rakhshanda


Candidate of Philology Sciences
Juraev Narzikul



Karimov Said



Rajabova Sarvinos



Miskinov Ilhom



Sharipova Mastona



Zaidullonea Davlatmo



Umarova Gulnora



Boboeva Sumaya



State number: №0121TJ1299

Research direction: Language and literature

Research direction: basic

Project realization date: 01.01.2021–29.12.2025

Project manager: Candidate of philology sciences Bruzi Zabehulloeh


This project deal with issues of literary availability and analytical history of modern Tajik poetry (from the beginning of the twentieth century to the twenty first century) and the poetics of the Tajik novel. There are also 6 volumes of works of M. Tursunzade has been compiled and the dramaturgy of the last two centuries has been collected.

A new (modern) Tajik critique history is being studied (from the beginning of the twentieth century to the twenty first century). In the case of poetry, many historical, cultural, socio-cultural and ideological issues have changed, so the time of writing the essay and the analytical history of poetry of this period have emerged in a new light. Also, this project deals with issue of the poetics of the Tajik novel, its formation and improvement from the beginning of the XX century to the present, which is one of the important issues in literary studies.

The topic of this project will be the scientific description, development and publication of short and exhaustive catalogues of collection of Mirzo Tursunzada, collection of manuscripts, development of an electronic version and computerization of all published works of the poet in comparison with the original text.

Project novelty

This project deals with the emergence of new (modern) criticism in the era of enlightenment (jadidia) with a change of opinions, the definition of the concept criticism, forms of criticism of enlightenment (jadidia) literature, and criticism of the 50-90s and the time of independence; issues of self-knowledge of criticism (50-90); important peculiarities of criticism of the period of independence,  change of estimation of criticism writing in the period of independence and the functions of criticism in the modern period. All aspects of socio-economic, spiritual and cultural life in modern poetry, reflections, descriptions and representations of the achievements of the time of independence in poetry, serious attention to the history of the nation, cultural traditions and monumental figures of the writers and poets and the founder of the new Tajik poetry are defined and analyzed in the framework of poetry’s problem.

Regarding the problem of poetics, the topic and content, as well as the change in the form and styles of the language and structure of the Tajik novel, the formation of the Tajik novel over the past two centuries; the influence of Western and Eastern literature on the formation of the Tajik novel and the change in the structure and content of the Tajik novel over the past two centuries are studied for the first time in this Project.

On the basis of the new organized list of the M. Tursunzade Museum and the existing manuscripts of the poet's "Collection (Kulliyot)" will be printed with additions and novelties. Also, for the first time, the Tajik drama of the last two centuries will be collected and published in the form of a book.

Keywords: literary critique, self-knowledge critique, poetry, literature, poetry, novel, poetics, history, essay, drama, climax, manuscripts, description, catalog, text.

List of the main performers of the project

Name and patronymic

Academic degree, position

Address, mail and e-mail address (E-mail), telephone, fax

Role in the project (manager, executor and etc.)


Behruz Zabehullo


Candidate of Philological Sciences

Dushanbe City, 1st passage of Binokoron Street, house 5, apartment 5; tel.: 554116868E-mail:

Head of



Rakhmonov Shohzamon

Doctor of Philological Sciences

Dushanbe City, 21 Rudaki Avenue; tel.: 904-18-66-48,E-mail:

Project manager


Tursunov Akbar

senior researcher in Modern Literature Department

Dushanbe City, 21 Rudaki Avenue; tel.: 93-446-66-55



 Nabavi A.

Senior scientific employee

Dushanbe City, 21 Rudaki Avenue; tel.: 93-508-46-08. E-mail:




Saidzoda Jamoliddin

Candidate of Pedagogy Sciences, senior researcher in Modern Literature Department

Dushanbe City, 21 Rudaki Avenue; tel.: 917-966-630




Askar Hakim

Senior scientific employee

Dushanbe City, 21 Rudaki Avenue; tel.: 918-61-01-77. E-mail:



Hoshimova Kh.

 Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior researcher in Modern Literature Department

Dushanbe City, 21 Rudaki Avenue; tel.: 93-401-30-33.





scientific employee




Qosimi Nasima

scientific employee




Rakhimova Kholisa

scientific employee




Sherghozieva  Dilrabo

Senior laboratory assistant




State number: 0121TJ1302

Project realization date: 01.01.2021–29.12.2025

Research direction: Language and literature

Research direction: basic

Project manager: Candidate of Philological Sciences Mirzoev S.



Mirzoev Saifiddin – Candidate of Philological Sciences, chief scientific employee

Rahmatullozoda Sakhidod – Doctor of Philological Sciences, corresponding member of NAST

Turaev Burhoniddin – Candidate of Philological Sciences, chief scientific employee

Sharipov Guljahon – Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior scientific employee

Soborjonov S. – Candidate of Philological Sciences, chief scientific employee

Goals and objectives of the project

One of the main and important issues of Tajik linguistics is study and research of vocabulary, grammatical structure and definition of rules and laws of vocabulary enrichment of the Tajik literary language. In this sense, the objective rules for enriching the lexical resource of the language and its formation and development have not been clearly studied, it is difficult to talk about some features of the vocabulary and their grammatical structure. In this regard, the project, namely, deals with study and research of the sources of vocabulary enrichment and its grammatical structure from a new point of view, in particular, from the language of the works of poets and writers of classical literature; the living language of the people (Tajik dialects) and the East and Iranian languages of Tajikistan, on the example of a group of Pamir languages and Javanese.


State number: №012TJ1298

Project realization date: 01.01.2021–29.12.2025

Research direction: Language and literature

Research direction: basic

Project manager: Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor Sattorzoda А.


Literature History Department has achieved significant scientific achievements by completing the project “History of Tajik Persian Literature (from Ancient period to the beginning of the twentieth century) (2016-2020) in 6 volumes in the study of the general process of origin, development, formation and improvement of Tajik Persian literature and the reflection of various literary phenomena at different stages.

Currently, scientific achievements have come in the field of science, literature and Tajik society. This work, on the one hand, is a generalization of the achievements of literary critics of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki of NAST, and on the other hand, is aimed at edition and improving encyclopedia’s that have emerged on the basis of Tajik Persian literature to this day in Tajikistan and abroad. And the main principle of writing a new project of Literary History Department is ”Tajik Persian Literary Encyclopedia (from Ancient period to the X century) " in 5 volumes for 2021-2025, its completion based on all the achievements of literary and Oriental studies in Tajikistan and abroad.

In the Republic of Tajikistan, only the experience of developing, writing and publishing the “Tajik Encyclopedia of Literature and Art” (in 4 volumes) and “Rudaki Encyclopedia” (in 3 volumes). "Tajik Persian Literary Encyclopedia (from Ancient period to the to the X century)” will differ both in the coverage of materials and in academic and literary level.

Development, writing and publication of the “Tajik Persian Literary Encyclopedia (from Ancient period to the ХУ century)” will become a favorable basis for strengthening the knowledge of students of general education institutions and students of institutes and universities of the country; and improving the quality of teaching language and their literature. This encyclopedia will also be a useful resource for those who want to get accurate information about Tajik Persian literature of the past centuries.

List of project performers


 Name and patronymic

Scientific degree (title), work place, position


Sattorzoda Abdunabi

Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor, NAST. Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki, Head of Department



Muhammadiev Shamsiddin

Candidate  of Philological Sciences, chief scientific employee, Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki, Director deputy


Isrophilniyo Sharifmurod

Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor., senior scientific employee (0,5), Tajik State Pedagogical University named after Sadriddin Aini


Mulloahmadov Mirzo

Doctor of Philology Sciences, senior scientific employee, Institute of Asia and Europe Problems of NAST


Malikova Anzurat

Candidate of Philological Sciences, chief scientific employee, Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki


Yusufov Umriddin

Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor, senior scientific employee, Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki


Akbarzod Mubashshir

senior scientific employee (0,5),

Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki


Nasirjon Salimi

Акадкмики АМИТ, senior scientific employee (0,5), NAST


Sharifzoda Boymurod

Candidate  of Philological Sciences, senior scientific employee (0,5), Tajik National University


Ismatova Zulfiya

scientific employee, Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki


Usmonova Gulbahor

scientific employee, Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki


Sufizoda Shodimuhammad

Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor, senior scientific employee (0,5)




senior scientific employee (0,5), Senior assistant


Nazira Sharifova and

Fotima Sarabekova

Senior assistant


State number: №012TJ1298

Project realization date: 01.01.2021–31.12.2025

Research direction: Language and literature

Research direction: basic

Project manager: Candidate of Philology Sciences Majnunov А.

 Information about the project

During almost 60 years of operation of the Department of Folklore, many works of collection, arrangement of materials and scientific researches in the field of folklore have been carried out. Many genres and issues of Tajik folklore have been researched and discussed in terms of theory, poetics and structuralism, and their results have been published in the form of books. However, most of the materials in the form of manuscripts and voice recordings are still preserved in the archives of the Institute.

According to the schedule, every year 6 volumes of this collection will be prepared and published depending on the genres. Thus, within 5 years of the project, 30 volumes of "Collection of Tajik Folklore" were compiled and published.

According to the project, folklore expeditions will also be organized to collect and record additional materials. Because there are still many folklore connoisseurs in the villages and especially in the mountains, and the professional task of every folklorist is to record them as soon as possible with high quality.

The results of the project will be very significant and exhausting. The published collections will be widely used for the preparation of candidate and doctoral theses, in the preparation of textbooks for students of higher schools and reports in scientific seminars and conferences.

 News of the project topic

The proposed project is devoted to the establishment of a new scientific collection in the field of Tajik folklore with the title "Oral heritage of the Tajik people", which differs from the usual collections in terms of the methodology and theory of folklore.

Each collection includes a preface, a scientific article on a certain genre, texts, an index or an index of motifs, including people, toponyms, and in addition to some volumes, audio recording discs are included. Texts will be published in Collections as they are spoken and written without editing.


Tajik folklore, Folklore collection, "Oral heritage of the Tajik people", collection, recording, text, genre, expedition.


                Information about the project manager and performers

№ №

First and last name

and date of birth

Academic degree, place of work, position

Address, place of work,

email, phone

Task in the project (manager, performer)


Majnunov Abdulumin20.01.1983

Candidate of Philological Sciences

Dushanbe City, Shohmansur district, 32/2 A. Donish Street, apartment 48

Tel.: 93-564-81-28

2-27-04-47 (к)

e-mail: majnunov-1001@mail. ru

Executive Director


Rahmonov Ravshan


Doctor of Philological Sciences

Dushanbe City, Sino district,

10/ 3 А. Navoi Street, apartment 8,9

Tel.: 919890208

e-mail: rramoni 54@inbuk. ru



Oymahmadov Rustam 25.03.1983


Candidate of Philological Sciences

Dushanbe City, Sino district, 2 Borbad Street, apartment 57

Tel.: 931.09.39.99



Azizova Muhram 28.22.1957

 junior researcher

Dushanbe City, Firdausi Street. Tel.: 2-21-32-23 (к)



Ghulomshoeva Zebogul


 Scientific employee

Dushanbe City, 68 Firdausi Street, apartment 49. Tel.: 93




Oymahmadov Rustam 25.03.1983

Candidate of Philological Sciences

Dushanbe City, Sino district, 2 Borbad Street, apartment 57

Tel.: 931.09.39.99



Bukhoriev Olim



scientific researcher

Dushanbe City, Sino district, 2 Huvaidulloev Street, apartment 12.

Tel.: 938631962, e-mail.



Ismoilov Faridun



scientific researcher


Dushanbe City, Sino district 70/2 Mayakovski Street, apartment


Tel.: 919890208



The main problem.

Since the beginning of the 1950s, the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki regularly organized folklore expeditions, and folklorists collected a large number of folk works from the people of different regions of Tajikistan and Tajiks of Uzbekistan.


The users of the results of the project are, on the one hand, scientists and specialists in the fields of folklore, ethnology, sociology, history, linguistics and other humanitarian sciences, and on the other hand, they are employees of the field of culture, scientific and educational institutions, students, teachers and journalists. In addition, the results of the project, which are published in the form of Folklore Collections, can be enjoyed by all lovers of folk culture and oral literature.

Scientific background of research

The source and the main sources of research and compilation of the scientific collection are materials from the Folklore Treasure of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki. Employees of the Department of Folklore have a rich scientific and methodological basis for researching this topic.


The implementation of the project, on the one hand, is a scientific-research activity, and on the other hand, it has a broad practical aspect. Tasks have been defined in order to make the best Tajik folklore poems accessible to all readers in printed form. The expected results of the project are as follows:

In order to perform these tasks, the department's employees have sufficient knowledge, skills and experience in methodological and theoretical issues, and research grounds have been completed in this area.

Now the Institute has a typescript of other volumes of Kulliyot, which were typewritten. However, it should be said that these volumes of Kulliyot are purely theoretical and have been developed for a limited range of scientists, and the general public cannot benefit from them.

The main goal of the project:

The selection of materials from the archives of the department of folklore, their study, arrangement and printing.

Tasks of the project:

Development of standards and scientific apparatus of the series of Folklore Collections under the title "Collection of Tajik folklore collection and preparation for publication". The selection of materials depends on the order of genres from the Treasure of Tajik folklore, personal archives of scientists, and partly from published books. Editing, editing and publishing of the series of volumes "Kulliyot Tajik folklore". Collecting additional materials by organizing folklore expeditions.