Sharifzoda Farangis Khudoi - linguist, candidate of philological sciences (2002), head of the department of DTIKT (2006), vice-rector for educational affairs of DTIKT (2007-2009), doctor of philological sciences (2013), associate professor of the department of language history of TNU  (2015), professor department of history of language and typology of TNU  (2017), director of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Abu Abdullahi Rudakii of AMIT (13.07.2022), excellent education of RT.              

Sharifzoda Farangis Khudoyevna was born on October 10, 1970 in the city of Dushanbe in the family of a teacher. In 1992, she graduated from the Faculty of Tajik Philology of the National University of Tajikistan with an honors diploma.

In 1997-2000, she was a graduate student of the Department of History of Language and Typology of the National University of Tajikistan. In 2002, she successfully defended his thesis. In 2001-2005, she worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of History of Language and Typology of the National University of Tajikistan.

In 2006-2007, she worked as the head of the Department of Philology and Journalism of the Institute of Innovative and Communication Technologies of Tajikistan. In 2007-2009, she held the position of the first vice-rector for educational affairs of DTIKT.

Аз соли 2009 то соли 2010  ба ҳайси дотсенти кафедраи  таърихи забон ва типологияи Донишгоҳи миллии Тоҷикистон фаъолият намудааст. Солҳои 2010-2013 докторанти ДМТ. Соли 2013 рисолаи докториро бомуваффаққият  дифоъ намудааст. Аз соли 2013 дар вазифаи дотсенти кафедраи таърихи забон ва типологияи ДМТ кор мекунад.  Аз соли 2016 профессори кафедраи Таърихи забон ва типологияи ДМТ. Аз 13 июли соли 2022 директори Инсититути забон ва адабиёти ба номи Абуабдуллоҳи Рудакии АМИТ.

From 2009 to 2010, she worked as an associate professor of the Department of History of Language and Typology of the National University of Tajikistan. 2010-2013 doctoral student of DMT. In 2013, she successfully defended his doctoral thesis. Since 2013, she has been working as an associate professor of the Department of History of Language and Typology of DMT. Since 2016, the professor of the Department of Language History and Typology of DMT. From July 13, 2022, the director of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Abu Abdullahi Rudaki of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

Scientific works

In 2002, she defended his thesis under the title "Lexical-semantic features of "Kashf-ul-Mahjub" of Hujviri" in Dushanbe. 

In 2013, he completed his doctoral thesis on the topic "Evolution of simple sentences in the Tajik language" and defended it in Dushanbe.       

SharifzodaFarangis has conducted scientific research on the lexical, semantic and grammatical features of works of the 10th -11th centuries. Her research dealt withe lexical features of the Sufi work "Kashf-ul-Mahjub" by Hujviri, which was later published in the form of a monograph. In addition his articles were published on lexical and grammatical features in "Masnawi mahnavi" of Jalaluddin Balkhi, "Bahoristan" of  Jami, Rudaki's poems.

Another research direction of F. Sharifzodais studying and researching the grammatical structure of the sentence in the works of three periods of the development of the language, on this topic, she has published many articles and a monograph entitled "Development of the simple sentence of the Tajik language" (2013).

With the effort of Sharifzoda F. in order to find awareness and study the historical background of the language and literature of the ancestors, the textbook "Pahlavi Language" (authors - A. Tafazzuli and J. Omozgor) was returned and published with her introduction. Also F. Sharifzoda collected valuable Middle Persian works, which were published on the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In recent years, F. Sharifzoda has been engaged in harmonizing the grammar of the Tajik language with traditional grammars, eliminating the mistakes of modern Tajik grammars, and has published several articles in this regard, including: "Semantic and syntactical features of the postposition -ро - in Dari Persian ", "Unification of the grammar and linguistic terminology", "Using the letter ی (article -e) in the works of the first stage of language development", "Historical development of enclitic pronouns of the Tajik language". In addition, F. Sharifzoda expressed interesting ideas on the issues of formation and development of the language, the formation of linguistic opinions, which are included in the following articles: "The process of formation of the Dari Persian language", "The position of the Tajik language in the course of history", "A logical view of the sentence", " Sentence recognition in Iranian linguistics", "Formation of the first Persian language manuals in Russia".

She guides the scientific works of master students, graduate students and researcher as well as.

F. Sharifzoda is one of the protectors  and defenders of the Tajik language and is the author of the Tajik language textbook for the 11th  grade of national minorities of the Republic of Tajikistan.


Books (monographs)

1. Lexical features of "Kashf-ul-Mahjub" of  Hujviri. ̶ Dushanbe, 2012.

2. Evolution of the Tajik simple sentence. ̶ Dushanbe, 2013.


1. Pahlavi language. J. Omozgor and A. Tafazzuli (Translation and correction by F. Sharipova) ̶ Dushanbe, 2012.

2. Textbook for 11th graders whose language of study is Russian - "State language". - Dushanbe: Maorif, 2018. - 271p.

3. Textbook for the 11th grade whose language of study is Uzbek - "State language". - Dushanbe: Maarif, 2018. - 271 p.

4. Textbook for 11th graders whose language of study is Kyrgyz - "State language". - Dushanbe: Maarif, 2019. - 271 p.

5. Sharipova F.Kh. (with co-author). Tajik language standard (state) for grades 2-4 SGSE.-Dushanbe, 2021.-56 p.

6. Program of Tajik language (state) for classes 2-4 of SGSE.- Dushanbe, 2022.- 70 p. (with co-author



1. The ancient written heritage. Collection and compiling by F. Sharifzoda - Dushanbe, 2017 - 400 p.

2. Dinkard. Collection and compiling by Sharifzoda F. - Dushanbe, 2018.-343 p.


Sharifzoda Farangis Khudoi

Date of birth: 10.10.1970

Hometown:  Dushanbe

Country: Tajikistan       

Scientific environment: National University of Tajikistan

Place of works: Department of History of Language and Typology of National University of Tajikistan Academic titles: Candidate of Philology (2002) ;  Doctor of Philology (2013)

Academic degrees: Associate Professor.

University: National University of Tajikistan (1987-1992).

Languages: Tajik, Russian, English, Arabic.

Awards and prizes: Honors of education of the Republic of Tajikistan

1987-1992:  student of Tajikistan State University,         

1997-2000: graduate student of the Department of History of Language and Typology of the State University of Tajikistan.

2001-2006: senior teacher of the department of history of language and typology of the National Academy of Sciences.

2006 – 2007: head of the English Department of the Institute of Innovative Technology and Communication of Tajikistan.

2007 – 2009: the first vice-rector for educational affairs of DTIKT

2009 – 2010: Associate professor of the department of history of language of DMT

2010-2020: deputy of the assembly of people's deputies of Sino and Somoni districts

2010-2013: doctoral student of the department of history of language and typology of DMT

2013 – 2016: associate professor of the Department of History of Language and Typology of DMT

2016-2022: professor of the department of history of language and typology of DMT

2022:      director of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Abu Abdulloh Rudaki of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (13.07.2022)