From the surviving documents in the archives of the Department of Lexicography and Terminology, it follows that this department functioned as an independent department of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki of NAST from the very beginning of the creation of the Tajik base of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union since 1932. In the 60-70s of the XX century, the department's activities expanded, and its staff numbers up to 47 people. According to the subject of the research, later the lexical department receives the title of Lexicography and Lexicology Department, and then Lexicography and Terminology.

The following scientists were the head of the Lexis Department: senior researcher Y. I. Kalontarov in 1944-1957; Professor O. Jalolov in 1957-1959, Candidate of Philology Sciences L. Bukhorizoda in 1959-1961 and Doctor of Philology Sciences V. V. Kapranov in 1962-1986. Corresponding member of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (NAST) A. Maniyazov during the 1986-2000, simultaneously as a director of the Institute, headed the Lexis Department. Since 2000, docent A. Sanginov has been appointed head of the Lexis Department.

From 2009 to 2017, Professor Qosimov O. was the head of the Department and from 2017 to the first half of 2019, candidate of Philology Mirzoyorov F was the head of the Department of Lexicography and Terminology. Since 2019 until now, Professor, corresponding member of NAST Nazarzoda S. has been working as Head of the Department of Lexicography and Terminology.

In 1929, the State Publishing House of Tajikistan, by the instruction of the Commissariat of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, began to compile a two-volume Russian-Tajik dictionary, which in 1933-1934, edited by S. Aini, S. R. Alizoda, A. Ismoilzoda, R. Hoshimov, M. Yusufov, published both volumes of this dictionary. In 1946, the first volume of the Tajik-Russian Dictionary (letters A-N) was published under the general editorship of Academician E.N. Pavlovsky. Russian-Tajik Dictionary (45 thousand words, Moscow-Stalinobod, 1949) dedicated to the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the Republic of Tajikistan, edited by A.P. Dehoti and N.N. Ershov, and Tajik-Russian Dictionary (40 thousand words, Moscow, 1954) dedicated to celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Republic of Tajikistan, edited by M.B. Rahimi and L.B. Uspenskaya were published as well as.

In 1953, it is planned to compile an explanatory dictionary of the Tajik language. But basically, the collection and regulation of glossary materials began with the creation of a database of the Academy of Sciences of the former Soviet Union in Tajikistan and the Department of History and Linguistics.

Thus, the development of the material of this dictionary in accordance with the scientific plan of the department began in 1953, which is confirmed by the archival documents of the Institute.

The first catalog of literary, historical and scientific works that they used as sources was developed and approved.

As stated in the preface of "Dictionary of the Tajik language" (Moscow, 1969), the material from the composition of this dictionary is to help Tajik readers and students in reading Persian-Tajik literature. In this regard, words and phrases in dictionary were selected from the works of the X century to the beginning of the XX century and interpreted with the involvement of a witness from the literature of that period.

Before the publication of the full text of "Tajik language Dictionary", the compilerss prepared two examples of its text for consideration and expression of opinions of domestic and foreign scientists. This dictionary text was reviewed in the oriental studies centers of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Layout of letter "3" was considered at a meeting of the Iranian sector of the Institute of Linguistics of the former Soviet Union in Moscow (headed by Professor V.S. Rastorgueva) with the participation of researchers of the Department of Dictionaries in the language of the Peoples of the USSR of the State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries of the USSR and at a meeting of the Department of Iranian Philology of St. Petersburg State University (headed by Professor A.N. Boldirev. From this scientific visit, the dictionary developers submitted a detailed report to the scientific council of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki.

The compilers of dictionary gave a report about the content and structure of their dictionary in scientific journals as well as used the opinions and advice of leading world orientalist regarding the dictionary improvement.

The final edition of dictionary was instructed to the academician M.Sh. Shukurov, Professor V.A. Kapranov, Candidate of Philology Sciences Rahim Hoshim and corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan N.A. Masumi. After editing, dictionary was published in 1969 in two volumes (208 quires) in the Moscow Publishing House named after “Soviet Encyclopedia”.

For the compilers, editors and all those who have contributed to the development and publication of the "Dictionary of the Tajik language", the highest rating is the assessment assigned by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His excellency Emomali Rahmon: "in this process (i.e. the right direction for the development of the Tajik language in XX century), the two-volumes of "Dictionary of the Tajik language",  which is the result of the work of a group of our prominent scientists, but unfortunately was not valued intime, played a clear role. We can say that this work gave the Tajik language literature, science and modern press color, heart and pure soul" (from the speech of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon at a meeting with representatives of the country's intelligentsia on the eve of Navruz 2001).

After the publication of "Tajik language Dictionary ", three researchers of the dictionary department i.e. R. Hoshim, H. Raufov and A. Sanginov began compiling an explanatory dictionary of the modern Tajik language (in one volume approximately 125 author's sheet) and completed it in 1980. When the dictionary was compiled by three people, there was a noticeable difference in the choice of the word and the ways of its interpretation. Because of the variations of the dictionary, one of the authors had to do his editorial work. For this reason, the dictionary was transferred to the department's archive.

In 1990, the administration of the Institute, in order to prepare for the publication of this dictionary, formed a scientific group of corresponding member of NAST R. Gafforov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor R. Hoshim, Doctor of Philological Sciences B. Tilavov, corresponding member of NAST A. Maniyozov and Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor A. Sanginov. As with the time of compiling, i.e., since 1980, there have been radical changes in the political and social structure of the republic, these changes have also affected the language. But most of these changes (including the new edition of Tajik language orthography in 1998) were not reflected in the dictionary. Therefore, while developing the "Tajik Language Еxplanatory Dictionary" (2008), its material was used. The collected examples in this explanatory are selectively used to develop the " Tajik language Complete Dictionary " as a material. Information about TLED and TLCD during the period of independence, the development of interpretative dictionaries received a new impulse.

Explanatory dictionaries reflect the lexical wealth of the people and one of the most important means of increasing the level of language knowledge and learning the language of the community. The treasury of the high and selfless of the Tajik language is a large number of common and explanatory dictionaries of the language, the number of which is still known to scientists from 200 to 250 books.

The historical journey, expansion and improvement of lexicography in the Tajik language have been researched and analyzed by many researchers and scientists, hundreds of books and thousands of articles have been written on this topic, only their names will amount to several volumes. In today's conditions of the development of world lexicography, the development of common explanatory dictionaries has specific scientific and practical goals. The development of explanatory dictionaries and lexicography of Tajikistan as a whole as a sector of the development of the Tajik language during the period of independence is in the focus of attention of the Leader of the nation Emomali Rahmon.

During this period, by the instruction of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, in celebration of the Year of the Tajik Language - 2008, the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki published "Tajik language Еxplanatory Dictionary" (in two volumes) including about 80,000 words and phrases), which became an important event in the history of Tajik lexicography after the "Tajik language Dictionary". This dictionary is a civilized and average dictionary, words, phraseological units and expressions are interpreted without giving examples of the works of writers and poets.

The features of its development include the reflection of the main peculiarities of the Tajik literary language of the classical period up to the XX century and on this basis the compact use of the "Tajik language Dictionary "; dictionaries of the classical period without involving masterpieces from the works of poets and writers of different times; the widespread use of achievements of dictionary compilers and lexicographers of their contemporaries – Iran and Afghanistan, and in in this context, the selection of the most frequently used dictionaries for the entire understanding and sharing the selection and dictionaries of the modern Tajik language, and  the use of dictionaries, including colloquial language that have not been recorded in the previous dictionaries

The development of this dictionary has become an important step for the preparation of the "Tajik language Complete Dictionary". Of course, dictionary, like other great actions, has its enemies and detractors, along with appreciation for the hard work of developers. In this regard, the hype about this dictionary has increased in the informal periodical press. Their authors were people who knew little about the order of development of dictionaries and especially explanatory dictionaries.

Linguists have expressed their opinion about the advantages of this dictionary, that, of course, it is inevitable to find shortcomings in such a large work, hereby we give an example of the opinions of only a few of them.

Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor Majidov H. was one of the most respected and well-known Tajik linguists, in his review named by "Explanatory dictionary is a lamp of guidance for every native speaker" indicates the following: "One of the other significant advantages of dictionary is that lexicographers tried to place a large number of words which are out of use and are still in use among Persian speakers of foreign countries as well as concepts and events important for our people. This kind initiative will undoubtedly further enrich the lexical structure of our literary language and increase its consumer potential.

Another important aspect of dictionary is that the semantic interpretation of words that are used by colorful and abundant order of our language. It is true that this does not always happen according to the accepted position at the end of the interpretation - after the rhombus sign. Interpretations, proverbs and sayings were also used by the authors of dictionary as explanatory material for interpretation. In any case, no matter how it is, the use of such material will not affect the process of language learning by people, especially young people."

Another Tajik scholar, G. S. Yunusova, in her review entitled "Tajik Language Explanatory Dictionary and its role among the new explanatory Tajik dictionaries", stresses about this dictionary the following: "The advantages and disadvantages of this dictionary are the subject of another discussion, and we leave it for another time, because the tributes and assessments of the owners of the language in relation to this dictionary are not unanimous, and the reviewers did not always look and express an objective attitude to this dictionary. Several reviews have been published regarding the advantages and disadvantages of this dictionary in the «Ozodagon» newspaper, but it follows from their reading that the authors shy away from objective and scientific analysis and increasingly resort to sensational style, which is regrettable.

It should be recognized that compilers and editors of the "Explanatory dictionary of the Tajik language" in its development and classification, based on the achievements and experience of Tajik lexicography for more than a millennium, as well as the precedents of the Soviet, Iran and Afghanistan in the development of vocabulary of the twentieth century, comprehensively reviewed and studied them, relying, if necessary, as a source of benefit." 

The 2007 was a special year in the history of our linguistic lexicography. First of all, the concrete measures that were taken to develop the language by the country's President Emomali Rahmon actually started a new stage in the study and research of the Tajik language and on this basis overthrew many artificial obstacles. These proposals, including issues related to the initial appropriation of the Tajik language, the development of the "Complete dictionary of the Tajik language" and the "Great Tajik Encyclopedia", were presented at a meeting with the country's intelligentsia (March 20, 2007) by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, and were supported and harmonied by the entire Tajik people.

First of all, it takes collecting the entire vocabulary of a language and developing and presenting it in the form of explanatory dictionaries using a single lexical norm. Such dictionaries vary in volume, size, and material, method of development and scope of goals. The development of "Complete dictionary of the Tajik language" in volume, size and materials presented for the first time in the history of lexicography of Tajikistan, its main goal is to meet the needs of different sections of our society in using books, writings and works of the classical period of the Tajik language, as well as the texts and works of modern Tajik writers and scholars.

At the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki, the collection of materials from the dictionaries of the classical era, the works of Tajik writers and poets, scientific and popular scientific texts, the press and various dialects of the Tajik language has been going on since the beginning of the XX century. To date, the treasury of two departments of the Institute – the Department of Lexicography and Terminology and the Language Department has collected more than 4.5 million cards with examples of words from the works of various periods of the development of the Tajik language. The purpose of collecting this material is, first of all, to create a treasury of the Tajik language dictionary (language bank) with the inclusion of all the words of the literary language and dialects, giving examples-masterpieces from linguistic works.

To complete such a detailed study, it is necessary to collect dictionaries, develop an exhaustive register, compile a collection of written and computerized lexicons (with examples from the works of ancestors), conduct a scientific study of various aspects of lexicography, develop and publish a critical text of previous dictionaries. The completion of such a detailed and fundamental study takes a lot of time and requires a common center for the comparative study of Tajik dictionaries to consider a number of actual problems of linguistics and especially Tajik lexicography.

The development and publication of the "Tajik Language Complete dictionary" is one of the stages of completion of this research program. According to the instruction of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, at a meeting with the intelligentsia of the country (in March 2007) in 2008 at the Institute of language and literature named after Rudaki started the work "development of a completed dictionary of the Tajik language using the experience and norms of the Tajik-Russian language and other existing Tajik, Dari and Persian dictionaries. The need to develop this dictionary was once again emphasized in the speech of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon at a meeting with the country's intelligentsia on March 21, 2009.

The task of compiling the "Complete explanatory dictionary of the Tajik language" in 6 volumes has been assigned at the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki of the Academy of Sciences, and its publishing should be completed within the next 5 years." The project to develop this dictionary was approved in six volumes in 2008 and has been funded since the beginning of 2009. 

The complete explanatory dictionary of the Tajik language is mainly based on three dictionaries - " Tajik language Dictionary " (1969), "Tajik language Explanatory Dictionary " (2008) and "Tajik Dictionary into Russian" (2004-2006), where the lexical structure and richness of the Tajik language have been collected and organized over the past 30-40 years, as well as based on written materials from card treasures of words and terminological works presented in the Department of Lexicography and Terminology over the past 70 years literary and scientific work of past eras, selected and collected from modern literary and scientific works of mass production, from official publications and periodicals.

Also based on the instruction of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan on the use of modern sources of lexicography of the co-language countries in the development of this dictionary were used reliable sources of Iranian and Afghan lexicography, especially from the dictionaries of the Dehkhudo Dictionary, the Great Dictionary of Speech by Hasan Anvari, the Muin dictionary of Muhammad Muin, "Amid dictionary" by Hasan Amid and a number of general and branch dictionaries. This dictionary has approximately 200 thousand words and interpreted combinations and expressions and makes up about 400 author's sheet.

The first volume of the "Complete dictionary of the Tajik language" letter " A " with a coverage of 11.5 thousand words and combinations was published in 2011 in accordance with the action plan for the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the State independence of the Republic of Tajikistan (Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan № 642 of December 31, 2008).

Subsequently, for subjective reasons, the project to develop of "Complete dictionary of the Tajik language" by suggestion of the then leadership of the Institute and with the support of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences (Ilolov M.I.) was suspended and resumed only in 2017 with the direct support of the Board of NAST and the President of NAST Academician Farhod Rahimi in the Department of Lexicography and Terminology. So far, four volumes of this dictionary have been developed (letters A, B, B, G, Gh and D), two volumes of which have been printed and the other two have been handled for publication. The second volume, the letter "B" (13 thousand words and combinations) was published on the days of the 31st anniversary of the State independence of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Thus, after eleven years of publishing the first volume, the second volume, the letter "B", containing 13 thousand words and combinations, was published in 2022. In both volumes, words were widely used from the works of our ancestors, like Nosiri Khusrav, Rudaki, Hofiz, Saadi, Jomi, Sayedo, Hiloli, Bedil, as well as from the works of the new period of Tajik language development Ayni, Lohuti, Sotim Ulughzoda, Tursunzoda, Loiq Sherali, Bozor Sobir, Abdulhamid Samad, Askar Hakim, Gulrukhsor, Farzona and others.

The need to complete the work on the development of the "Complete dictionary of the Tajik language" was emphasized on September 27, 2022 at the meeting of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Founder of Peace and National Unity – the Leader of the Nation with representatives of education at the Tajik State Institute of Languages named after Sotim Ulughzoda in the following way: "In this regard, now there is a need to develop a complete vocabulary of the Tajik language with the inclusion of generally accepted everyday words, that is, the desktop book of each Tajik and related to the study of this language. In order to do this work, we must support people with the abilities, skills and experience to develop dictionaries values, and expand their numbers".

In the 50-60s of the XX century, the collection, regulation and study of phraseology and paremiology attracted the attention of scientists not only in the former Soviet Union, but also on a global scale, including Tajikistan was no exception, the first explanatory dictionary of phraseological phrases was published in the Soviet Union in the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, the author of which was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan M. Fozilov. The "Dictionary of phraseological phrases" is the result of many years of efforts and research of M. Fozilov, and approximately eight thousand phraseological phrases of the literary language were collected and interpreted in this dictionary.

The Department of Lexicography and Terminology has been dealing with order and publication of bilinguial Russian dictionaries into Tajik language since its creation, and in this direction it is the only scientific center in the republic, which is well confirmed by the product of more than half a century of this department.

Over time, the Russian-Tajik dictionary edited by A.P. Dehoti and N.P. Ershov (published in 1949) has become very rare and unattainable, and many years have passed since its publication, there was a need to improve and publish this dictionary, which also required changes in the vocabulary of the Russian language. Therefore, the department staff began to develop a "Russian-Tajik dictionary".

The scientific researchers of the department began to compile a Tajik-Russian dictionary, which with effort and hard work of V.A. Kapranov, A. Otakhonova, Kh. Raufov, M. Rahimova, A. Khalilov S. Kholmatova, R. Kholmuminova, N., Kholmukhammadov, V. Sharifov was completed in 1980-1985. This Tajik-Russian dictionary in 1986-1999 was edited by M. Behbudi and Sh. Sobir and then member of the editorial board given to N. Abdulloev, V. A. Kapranov, S. Karimov, S. Solehov, S. Kholmatova and at the beginning of 1993 was transferred to the "Donish" Publishing House of the Tajik Academy of Sciences. After typing and printing the first few letters, due to financial problems, the manuscript of the dictionary was returned to the Institute and its printing stopped. After financing by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for 2003, improvement and editing, the first volume of the Russian-Tajik dictionary (comprising of S. Kholmatov, S. Solehov and S. Karimov) was published in 2006.

In addition to compile bilingual dictionary, the Lexicography department has developed and published several dictionary terms in different years, including the Russian-Tajik Dictionary of Physics terms (developed by M. Sodikov), mathematics (Kh. Muhammadiev), chemistry (L. Rajabov and A. Rahmonova), botany (M. Ismoilov), geography (H. Rahmatulloev), zoology (A. Shukurov), astronomy (N. Abdulloev). These dictionaries laid the foundation for the emergence and formation of scientific terms in the Tajik language. In order to develop and publish other dictionaries, such as Tajik-English dictionary, Tajik-German and Tajik-French, the department's management also cooperates with foreign language specialists from universities of the country.

The literary heritage and scientific work of the hero of Tajikistan, Sadriddin Ayni, has a special role and status in the development and improvement of the literary language. But until now, the dictionary of works of this great writer has not been published. By initiative one of the lexicologists Hafiz Raufov, a group of researchers of the department began developing a dictionary of S. Ayni’s works. Along with the preparation of words selected from classical Tajik literature, the department for compiling an explanatory dictionary of the modern Tajik language has materials from the works of fiction of modern Tajik writers, political, social, scientific works, textbooks, periodicals, translations of the works of great writers of the world, etc. and it was found that the works of the Ayni occupies an important position among them.

After publication 11 volumes of S. Aini’s "Works (Kulliyot)" (in 1964) the employees of Lexis Department engaged to compare previously published works of S. And and collected all differentiation that that have been observed in separate publications of the wrtiter. After completing this work, the scientific staff of the department, like H. Raufov, H. Ahadov A. A. Otakhonova M. Yusufova M. Shukurova, H. Tursunova, H. Muhammadieva and M. Sobirova divided selected words of Aini’s works from Tajik lanaguge explanatory dictionary fund and began to develop an explanatory dictionary of Aini’s works. The first product of their collective work is publication of the "Dictionary of S. Aini's Works" that was published in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the wrtiter's birthday. The dictionary contains 24 thousand words.

In the process of S.Aini’s explanatory dictionary development compilers came to the conclusion that the determination of words frequency in the works of writer is one of the factors of strengthening the scientific and practical foundation of the S. Aini’s works dictionary. To this end, the staff of the Lexis Department collected all words of 11 volumes of S. Aini;s "Works (Kulliet)" including volumes and pages where the number of words reaches approximately one and a half million. Unfortunately, this work remained unfinished with the outbreak of the Civil War, while during relocation of the Institute alphabetical order of this resource completely violated and some of these materials disappeared.

The work on this dictionary was stopped after the death of one of the main compilers and dictionary editor, H. Raufov. Now the material of “S. Aini’s works dictionary" is stored in the archive of the Department at the Institute and can be continued and published if there are favorable opportunities.

One of the scientific activities of the department is the study of various issues of lexology and lexicography. The determination of the place, position and contribution of each previous dictionary is particular importance in the study and research of more than a thousand years of the history of Persian-Tajik lexicographers. These issues have always been of interest of lexis department, and valuable research has been conducted in this section on the preparation and defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.

Regarding the research of old dictionaries, like "Lughati Furs" of Asadi Tusi, the first study of the Tajik lexicography is related to the name of V. A. Kapranov.. After defending his PhD thesis, he defended doctoral dissertation on the topic of "Tajik-Persian lexicography in India (XVI-XIX centuries)" in 1974.

V.A. Kapranov created a special scientific school in the Lexis Department and in the Tajik lexicography through the study of old dictionaries, in which the dissertation of the defended candidate is proof of this statement. Under the supervision of V.A. Kapranov, many scientific researchers of the Department , like  H. Raufov, H. Akhadov, A. Otakhonov, M. Sobirov and teachers of higher educational institutions of the country, liek A. Nasriddinov, D. Bakhriddinov defended their candidate dissertations

Subsequently, under the guidance of a leading researcher H. Raufov the scientific staff of the department, like M. Shukurova, H. Tursunova, A. Vohidov also conducted a study on the topic of lexicography. The section of phraseology and proverbs in the department was headed by M. Fozilov, and under his supervision the scientific researchers of department M. Yusufova defended her scientific dissertation on the topic of “Phraseology of "Dokhunda " novel of S. Aini. A. Sanginov defended his scientific dissertation on the topic of “Ditcionary of “Bahori Ajam”. S. Usmonova defended her scientific dissertation on the topic of “Knitting and sewing lexis”. H. Muhammadieva defended her scientific dissertation on the topic of “Culinary and confectionery lexis”. N. Abdulloev defended his scientific dissertation on the topic of “Astronomy terminology”.

M. Fozilov in 1976, based on the "Tajik-Persian dictionary of proverbs, proverbs and aphorisms" (Dushanbe, V. 1, 1975 and V. 2, 1977), published a summary of his doctoral dissertation, but for unknown reasons the dissertation was not defended. Rahim Hashim T. Zehni, S. J. Arzumanov, Doctor of Philology Sciences, Professor N. Sharofov made a significant contribution in the education of linguistic researchers. Dozens of young people were educated under their guidance and defended scientific thesises. Of these, the leading researcher of the department, S. Kholmatova, who is responsible for the management of the bilingual dictionary subject, makes a worthy contribution to the development of the Tajik language. Up to now, 5 people have defended their candidate's dissertations under her supervision.

The employees of the Lexis Department make a significant contribution to the development of textbooks and other teaching aids for schools of the country. In particular, M. Fozilov's "Tajik language" was used for more than 20 years as a fourth-grade textbook for younger generation teaching up to the death of the author S. J. Arzumanov, V. A. Kapranov and H. Raufov took part in writing the textbook "Modern Tajik literary language" for Tajik philological faculties of higher educational institutions.

Textbooks, self-study and literacy "Tajik language" written by Rahim Hashim (S.). 1930), S. Ch. Prosumanov, O. Jalolov and A. Sanginov for Russian speakers are used as a guide in the study of the Tajik language. Three publication of “Russian-Tajik conversation book” and “700 Phraseological Phrases of Russian in the Tajik Language”writteb by S. Solehov and “The dictionary of Russian abbreviations into Tajik " written by S. Kholmatov is still used by students.

In the Lexis Department, in order to compile an explanatory dictionary of the Tajik language, collection of materilas has begun since 1953 from various ancient artifacts up to the XX century. The staff of the department and mainly the compilers of the dictionary, like T. Zehni, I. Alizoda, V.A. Kapranov, H. Raufov, H. Muhsinzoda, M. Azizi-Meshkin, A. Nurov, A. Sanginov, A. Vohidov, H. Zohidov, Qozi Reza I. Bayramzoda were engaged in materials collection.

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences M. Johid and the old intelligentsia from cities and districts of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, such as Bobo Rajabov, M. Dadashev, A. Yusufi, M. Ashurmuhammadov, M. Dafarov, O. Rosiev, R. Nurmuhammadov, T. Maksudov (Dushanbe), H. Khodizoda, M. Salehov (Kari Masy Tamhid), N. Valikhodjaev, A. Azizov (Jome), A. Egamberdiev (Samarkand), T. Yormatov (Kanibadam), K. Muhiddinov (Tashkent) also assisted in materials collection. In order to assess the volume of collection work, it is enough to mention a few figures: from 1953 to 1958, 96,000 cards- words were introduced into the classical literary resource of the Lexis Department, and in 1962 their number reached 436,537, and in the year of dictionary writing completion the number reached to 700,000 cards-words.

                  With the effort of department employees, like Raufov M. Haidarova (responsible for regulation, protection and storage of resources), S. Mukhtarova, H. Tursunova, M. Shukurova, A. Otakhonova M. Yusufova, H. Muhammadieva, S. Usmanova M. Sabirova, A. Maniezova, A. Vohidov, H. Akhadov M. Rakhimova, H. Burkhanova, S. Azizi-Meshkin, R. Gayvoronsky, R. Ismoilova, 3. Shodiev, G. Kamolov, N. Naimov, M. Saidov, G. Nabieva, M. Mirboboev, R. Abdullaev and others, who worked in the department many years, the Department could increase the number of cards-selected words from literary, popular science sources and periodicals to more than 2 million in 1990.

         In addition to the two main of these resources, the Lexis Department has numerous unique resources of phraseological expressions, proverbs and sayings of corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan M. Fozilov. The first resource includes phraseological expressions of the modern Tajik language, which collectedr M. Fozilov for four years from works before the beginning of the 60s of the XX century, written by modern Tajik writers, and from periodicals. The materials of this resource form the basis of the "Phraseological Phrases Dictionary" of the author. Later reserve is a unique treasure of proverbs and sayings, which collected M. Fozilov, as a lonely sea of available means of poetry and prose of the past and present of Persian and Tajik writers, arranged on the basis of this resource an author compiled "Dictionary of Tajik-Persian proverbs, sayings and aphorism". Cards collection continues and now the department has collected more than 4.5 million cards from various artifacts of modern literary ancestors.

         And finally, about one and a half million words from the works of S. Aina, which were transferred to cards in order to determine the keywords frequency, constitute a kind of resource of the Lexis Department

         All these treasures in connection with the repair of the Institute building on Rudaki Avenue were delivered first to the building on Lohuti Street of the capital, and then in 1992 by military forces to the warehouses behind the building of the Board of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. All treasures of the Lexis Department were moved to the original building of the Institute after the completion of several years of repair and reconstruction in August 1998. As all the material spilled into the warehouse lay in disorder form for more than 6 years, buried in dust, and parts lay under snow and rain, after moving to the appropriate and convenient organized by the administration of the Institute, the work of the department was ordered by subject and content, and then systematized, according to at least in the order of the outer letters (i.e. the first letters). The Department of Dictionaries is not only an authoritative scientific base for dictionaries compiling, but can also serve as an important source for lexis research as well as.

In 2006, “Tajik-Russian Dictionary” consisting of two volumes was developed by D. Saimiddinov, S.D. Kholmatova and S. Karimov and published through the publishing house "Donish". Then the "Explanatory dictionary of Tajik language" compiled by S. Nazarzoda, A. Sanginov, M. Sultonov, S. Karimov, O. Kasymov and S. Matrobov in two volumes was published in 2008. Participants of the first editing and improvement were the following: S. Nazarzoda, A. Sanginov, A. Maniyozov, S. Karimov, M. H. Sulton, O. Kasymov, S. Matrobov, S. Sabzaev. Participants of the final edition were: S. Nazarzoda, S. Karimov, M. H. Sulton A. Sanginov; Control edition performed by: Qodyrov Gh., Kholmatova S., Karimov S., Fayziev and others.

The explanatory dictionary of the Tajik language covers more than 80,000 words, phrases and word combinations and structurally includes words, phrases and terms from both the classical and modern periods of linguistic development. An Arabic key is attached to the end of the dictionary.

Correction of dictionary was performed by I. Miskinova, S. Zarafshoni, Ch. Nazarshoeva, S. Nekbakhtshoeva, G. Usmanova, O. Mirzoeva. His Arabic key was developed by Firuz Nabavi and Ilhom Miskinov.

In 2010, "Complete Dictionary of the Tajik language" was published under the leadership of S. Nazarzod. Developers and compilers of the letter "A" are Nazarzoda S., Karimov S., Fayziev S. In the collection of materials and first edition and correction contributed Rakhmonova R., Odinaev N., Dustov h., Miskinov I., Sangov I. In the edition of dictionary (Volume I) directly participated D. Saimiddinov - corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, D.Ph.S. M.H.Sultan. The final edition and correction and control edition was performed by S. Nazarzoda, M.H.Sulton, S. Karimov, S. Fayziev, N. Odinaev, Z. Kholnazarova, I. Miskinova and G. Usmanov.

The work on collecting materials, storing dictionary treasures and writing examples was carried out mainly by the employees of the Lexicography Department. Also Malikov A., Usmanova G., Khoshimova H., Nekbakhtshoeva S., Mukhammedkhodzhaeva R., Siddikova Z., Davlatova M., Kadyrova G., Salimova G. Chasatova M. and Rakhimova H. assisted computer typing and regulation of dictionary materials.

"Russian-Tajik Dictionary" (Volume 1) published in 2017 whose compilers were Kholmatova S., M.H.Sulton and Karimov. Authors are: Kholmatova S.D., Kholnazarova Z.M., Qosimov O.H., Rakhmonova N.Sh., Karimov S.A., Odinaev N.S. Editors are: Kholmatova S.D., Kholnazarova Z.M., Sultonov M.B., Qosymov O.H., Karimov S.A., Fayziev S. Editors of scientific supervisory bodies are: Azizkulov J.A., Nosirov S.M. correctors are: Abdulloeva Z.F., Davlatov J.S., Miskinov I.P. Typists are: Muhammadkhodzhayeva R., Usmanova G. Rajabova S., Sharipova G., Norova M. Reviewers are: Doctor of Philological Sciences Juraev G., Candidate of Philological Sciences Kabirov G., Candidate of Philological Sciences Mirzoev S., Candidate of Philological Sciences Karimov N.

Currently, the department is engaged with developing of "Russian dictionary into Tajik language" (V. 2-3), "Complete Dictionary of the Tajik language" (V 3-12) and other small and medium-sized dictionaries as well as for publication a number of classical dictionaries, development the reserve fund of the department.