Ustod Mirzo Tursunzoda lived in this courtyard with his family from 1949 to 1969. This section consists of porch, living room, study room, bedroom, gift room and archives. The house has four doors; each of them was used in necessary situation. The door that, we are facing in it, is opened only on the days of celebrations and events, when guests were received and sent away. From this door, you can enter to the porch, in the corner of the porch, a purple mirror is kept as another rare sight. Its name is Ruben bought in 1959 and was used by his family. After creative work, M. Tursunzoda comes here to rest and sits behind the round table. In addition, he used to read newspapers and magazines here every day. In his neighborhood, scientists and poets, like A. Dehoti, N. Masumi, H. Mirzozoda, Z. lived, who came to visit him, talked and played chess in their spare time. Chess was placed on the table from the fans and admirers of poetry of M. Tursunzoda that was a gift from the Kyrgyz people.

 According to some information of witnesses, M. Tursunzoda took this chess with him even on his travels. Moreover, he played chess on the plane. The round table of chess is made of red oak wood. Up to now, this table has not lost its quality. In the other corner of the porch there is the rarest and most expensive piece of the Museum - Piano, which was given as a gift by Academician B. Gafurov on the 7th birthday of Firuza Tursunzoda. It is an antique German Schwarz piano. After the porch, you will go to the poet's hotel. It viewed the unforgettable days of the poet's life. In this house, the happy scenes of the 40th  and 50th  birthdays of the poet, the birth of second son of poet in 1953 and his first grandson in 1961 were celebrated. In 1958, by the decision of UNESCO, Tajikistan celebrated the 1100th  anniversary of Abuabdullah Rudaki, the classical founder of Persian-Tajik literature.

On this holiday, lovers of Rudaki's poetry gathered from all over the world. Among all of them, there were famous people, like Faiz Ahmadi Faiz, Parviz Notili Khonlari, Mulk Raj Anand, Irji Bechka, Anatoly Safronov, Nikolay Tikhonov, Rasul Ghamzatov, I. Ibrahimov, Gh. Ghulam, Zulfia and others. Many of them had gathered around his living room table. These dishes placed on the table of the hotel had called "Maddona" and are bought from Japan by M.Tursunzoda himself and his wife. The table has designed for 24 people. And for viewing, some of the dishes are placed on the table, and the other part is inside the closet. The poet’s family used these vessels for the first time in 1958. To the left of the Guest House is the poets's office. And it is named like it. In this house, for 20 years, the poet wrote his world-famous works "Hasani Arobakash", "Eternal light", "Voice of Asia", "Sweet soul", "Wave of congratulations", the series of poems "I am from the free East", part of the series of poems he created the "Story of India". This is how the writer wrote down the state of his creative work in his room.

Although the house is quiet at night,

there is a place of inspiration for the poet at night...

On that table, the fiery speeches of the poet were written for the peace congresses, in the fight against the militarist. The books in the office are the personal property of the poet. Its number is more than four thousand, and he collected them during his lifetime. There are books dedicated to M. Tursunzoda by teachers and friends, and the other part with their manuscripts. There are also the books of S. Aini, A. Lohuti, N. Tikhonov, V. Ozerov, M. Ibrohimov, Loiq Gulrukhsor and others in working room of the poet. There is poet’s bedroom on the left. It should be said that during the lifetime of the poet, this was the home of his children. All these gifts presented to poet M. Tursunzoda by foreign and domestic friends. In particular, gifts from India, China, Iran, Vietnam, Japan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are on display. Here you can see photos of the poet in his family circle. The poet loved growing flowers and trees. The beauty of the courtyard, flowers, trees, and bushes are the products of the poet's hands. From his travels, he brought plants or seeds for his yard. It is not for nothing that Rasul Ghamzatov called the poet's garden "Friendship Garden". The poet worked at his desk until dawn and welcomed the sunrise in the yard. Every morning he read magazines and newspapers in the courtyard.


The literary part of the literary-memorial museum of Mirzo Tursunzoda is about the life, creativity and public activity of poet M. Tursunzoda as a person who dedicated himself to the field of literature and politics until the end of his life. The building has five halls. This part begins with the walnut tree, the first tree planted by him in the yard. The first hall of the literary part is about the sources of the poet's inspiration. First of all, classical Tajik literature, on the basis of which the poet further developed Tajik poetry, and oral folk literature, which gave his poetry a folk spirit. Samples of these works are placed in the bookcase. Thus, the creativity of M. Tursunzoda started in 1931.

The second hall is about the first steps of M. Tursunzoda in literature. In this corner, there are collection of poetry of the young poet "Bayroki Zafar" that was published in 1933, photos and printed form of his first play "Hukm" in 1934, the plot of the libretto "Shurishi Vose" and the movie "Hasan the Cartwright".

The third hall contains of materials and exhibits covering the years 1960-1970. It also reflects the works of writer M. Tursunzoda as the chairman of the Solidarity Committee of Asian and African countries and the chairman of the Republican Peace Defense Committee in the four continents of the world.

Certainly, M, Tursunzoda reflected it in his poems and stories peace and harmony, extinguish the fire of war, restore friendship and unity among each other.

Mirzo Tursunzoda has visited more than 30 countries around the world. It is reflected in the book of poems and stories that the writer received the Lenin and Rudaki prizes in 1960 for writing "Voice of Asia", "Hasan the carter" and in 1963 for "Sweet Soul". Also, there are books of the writer, which have been translated into different languages.

The fourth hall presents the poet's travels to the mythical country of India through gifts and photographs. The poet also wrote a series of poems about this country. In India, the works of M. Tursunzoda is welcomed and studied in colleges. It was this kind of love, sincerity and gratitude that in 1967 the international award named "Nehru" was presented to the writer.

The fifth hall includes materials, which published on the event of the 80th  and 100th  anniversaries of the poet's birthday. Pictures of the poet's farewell day, poems and words about the writer written by domestic and foreign writers and scientists are hanging on the wall. From here, we cannot ignore the words of the Russian writer N. Tikhonov, who wrote on the 60th  anniversary of M. Tursunzoda: "The East has many speakers, it is difficult to sing above them, but M. Tursunzoda sang more than them." On the left side of the statue, the writer's awards can be seen.  In 1951, M. Tursunzoda was awarded the title of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the  Republic and on May 7, 2001, he was awarded the title of Hero of Tajikistan. Mirzo Tursunzoda's translated books can be seen in 50 languages ​​and with different photos.

Mirzo Tursunzoda was not satisfied with all the great things he had done, and in the opinion of most scholars, he said the following verse for this reason.

Even if I did not pay my debt in full,

Forgive me, I am sorry my age.