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* From May 25, 2021, he works as the Deputy Director of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (NAST).

* Date of birth: February 10, 1960

* Place of birth: - Tagobi Khalk village, Panjakent city,  Sughd region

* Nationality: Tajik

* Education: higher 

In 1982, he graduated from the Tajik National University of Tajikistan,  Faculty of Philology (full-time)

* Specialty: Tajik language and literature

* From July 1, 1983, he started his scientific work at the Department of Literature of the Peoples of India and Pakistan of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.

* In 1985-1986, worked as a translator of the All-Union Youth Organization under the Afghan Youth Organization in the Bodghis region of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

* After his return, first he worked at the department of the history of Central Asian civilization, then at the Indo-Iranian department of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.

* In 2009, he defended his candidacy thesis on the topic of "Maosiri Rahimi" as a source of Tajik Persian literature in the XVI-XVII centuries.

* Scientific title: Candidate of Philology Science

* Foreign languages skill: Russian, Arabic (with dictionary)

* Member of the People's Deputies: was not elected

* Awarded the Honorable Mention of the All-Union Youth Organization (Soviet Union),  the Honorable Mention of the Central Committee of the Democratic Youth Organization of Afghanistan (Afghanistan), medals Awarded "From the grateful people of Afghanistan" (Afghanistan), "Tenth anniversary of Savr Revolution" (Afghanistan), "Excellence of border forces of the Soviet Union" (Soviet Union), "Tenth anniversary of the National Army" (Tajikistan), Medal of Honor of the Academy of Sciences (Tajikistan)

*He is married. Has got two children.

Shamsiddin Muhammadiev’s Works

1. Rudaki’s encyclopedia (one of the main authors of this book, 151 articles of the author are published in its two volumes). Rudaki's encyclopedia, volumes 1, 2. - Dushanbe: "XeroxLand" JSC, 2008.

2. Rudaki's encyclopaedia (one of the main authors and editor of this book). Rudaki's encyclopaedia, volumes 3. -Dushanbe: Donish, 2018.

 3. Robiai Balkhi. Daryoi raronanopadid (a collection of the remaining poems of Rabia Balkhi) Compilation, introduction, explanations and edition. - Dushanbe: "Istiqbol", "MEGA-Print", 2010. Co-authored by Anzurati Malikzod.

4. Literary values f "History of Bayhaqi". Reversal and editing. - Dushanbe: Adib, 2014.-288p.

5. Selected advice. Compiler and author of the introduction with the co-authorship of Anzurati Malikzod. - Dushanbe: Istiqbol, 2014. -95 p.

6. Tajik Persian literature in VIII-IX centuries// History of Tajik-Persian literature. Volume 1. - Dushanbe: Donish, 2019. - Ps. 589-670.


1.Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. About the literary value of "Maosiri Rahimi" of Abdulbaki Nakhovandi // Issues of Iranian science (literature and history). - Dushanbe: Donish, 1991. - Pages 72-82.

2. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. The works of Abdulbaqi Nakhovandi // News of the AS of the Republic of Tajikistan. Department of Social Sciences - Dushanbe: Donish, 2006. - P.125-131.

3. Shamsiddin Muhammadiev. About "Maasir-e Rahimi" of Abdulbaki Nakhovandi as a literary source. // News of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Department of Social Sciences, Department of Public Sciences. - Dushanbe: Donish, 2006, No. 3. - Pages 133-137 (in Russian).

4. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Presentation of an unfamiliar literary source. // Culture. - Dushanbe: Devashtich, 2006, No. 3. - p. 31-33.

5. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Not knowing of the Persian language is a misfortune (Karl Marx about the Persian language). // Voice of the East. - Dushanbe: Devashtich, 2007, No. 7. - Page 142.

6. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Public and useful work // Voice of the East. - Dushanbe: Devashtich, 2007, No. 8. - p. 148-152.

7. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Poems of Abdulbaqi Nakhovandi / Culture and art of Isfahan in the XVI-XVII centuries. - Dushanbe, Contrast, 2007. - Pg. 310-317.

8. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Mention of Rudaki in "Hizana Omira" of Mir Gholomali Ozodi Balgiromi / Summary of the speeches of the International Symposium "Rudaki and World Culture". Dushanbe, September 6-7, 2008. Dushanbe: Donish, 2008. - Pg. 45-46.

9. Shamsiddin Mohammadi. The influence of the style of Amir Hassan Dehlavi on the poets after him. / Collection of articles of the international conference of His Excellency Amir Hasan Sijzi Dehlavi. Iran - Zahidan: Publication of the University of Sistan and Baluchistan, 1386/2008. - p. 462-469.

10. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Science is the wings of the bird / Mirzo Mulloahmadov. The enduring traditions of the rich era of literature. - Dushanbe: Donish, 2008. - Pg. 308-318.

11. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Shikebii Isfahani // News of the AI ​​of the Republic of Tajikistan. Series of philology and oriental studies. - Dushanbe: Knowledge. 2009, No. 4. - p. 56-62.

12. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. The place of Imam Azam (RA) in Persian Sufi texts // News of AI of the Republic of Tajikistan. Series of philology and oriental studies. No. 2. - Dushanbe: Donish, 2009. - Pg. 37-40.

13. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. The life and works of Shikebi Isfahani in "Maosiri Rahimi" News of the National University of Tajikistan No. 8 (56). - Dushanbe: "Sino", 2009. - Pg. 186-190.

14. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. A look at the artistic features of Robia Balkhi's poem // "Istiqbol". - Dushanbe, "MEGA-Print", 2010, No. 1-3 (661). - p. 40-44.

15. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Literary heritage of Hisor poets in literary sources between continents of India and Pakistan // Rudaki. Literary and cultural bibliography of the IRI in Tajikistan. Eleventh year, number 28, autumn 2010. Monday: Link. - p. 147-154.

16. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. About an important source of the situation and poems of Persian-speaking poets. / A look at the life and works of Robia Balkhi. - Dushanbe: "Istiqbol", 2010, "MEGA-Print". - p. 59-67.

17. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. A memory from Yazd poets in "Maosiri Rahimi". / Collection of articles of the fifth international meeting of the Association for the Development of Persian Language and Literature. - Iran-Yazd: University of Yazd, 2010.

18. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. The literary significance of "Javahirulasror" of Sheikh Azari Isfaraini / Wave of the river of knowledge. A collection of excerpts and selected articles of the International Conference of Sheikh Azari.-Mashhad: Tus Library, 1390/2011. - p. 575 - 584.

19. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. The essence of speech from Nizami's point of view // Literature. - Dushanbe: "Rare", 2012, #1-2. - p. 146-151.

20. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Artistic features of Robia Balkhi's poem // Speech. - Dushanbe: Shujoiyan, 2012, No. 2.- Pg. 28-36.

21. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev About an important source of status and poems of Persian-speaking poets // Speechology. - Dushanbe: Donish, 2013, No. 2.- Pg. 128-138.

22. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. About one verse of Rudaki // Philology. - Dushanbe: Donish, 2014, No. 1.- Pg. 48-65.

23. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev Revival of translation in India during the time of Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani // Speech. - Dushanbe: Donish, 2015, No. 1.- Pg. 44-55.

24. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Mir Sayyed Ali Hamadani and the expansion of Tajik Persian language and culture in Kashmir // Religion and society. - Dushanbe: Andaleb R, 2015, No. 04(12). - p. 30-31.

25. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Translation of Indian works into Persian during the Boburion period // Speech. Monday: Donish, 2015, No. 2. - p. 45-64.

26. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Jami and Indian Persian literature // Critical issues of Tajik language and literature. - Dushanbe: Donish, 2016.- Pg. 55-70.

27. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev."Forsiyat” of Hakim Tirmizi and their literary values. // Collection of articles of the international conference "Literary relations and the interaction of cultures" (Tirmidh April 19-20, 2019), Tirmidh, 2019, p. 135-137

28. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Hakim Abuhafsi Sughdi - the poet of Rudaki’s contemporary //Sukhanshtynod, No. 2, 2019, p. 104-110.

29. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. A hand full of the grace and kindness of people // Introduction to the collection "1001 anecdotes", compiled by Q. Qodirzod. - Dushanbe: Er-graf, 2019;

30. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Literary views about woman (The topic of the originality of women in the literature of the past) // News of the National University No. 3 2019. (co-author with Shoeva N.A.).

31. Shamsiddin Mohammadiev. Research in mystical literature // Preface to the book of Maryam Sadr. The dew of love. - Dushanbe: MN "Knowledge", 2019.

He is the author of more than 200 articles in domestic and foreign journals. Under his leadership, three researchers defended their candidacy theses. He was official opponent of 15 researchers who defended their theses.

He participated in the following actions:  in the III Conferences of the All-Union of Orientalists (Dushanbe, 1988); International Symposium on the 1400th  anniversary of Borbad (Dushanbe, 1989); 675th celebration in honor of Abdurrahman Jomi (Dushanbe, 1989); celebration in honor of Amir Hassani Dehlavi (Iran, Zahidan, 2008), the 1150th anniversary of Abu Abdulloh Rudaki (Dushanbe, 2008), International Conference on celebration in honor of Robia Balkhi (Dushanbe, 2010), the VI International Conference of Masters of Persian Language and Literature (Tehran, 2011), the International Conference on celebration in honour of Sheikh Azari Isfaraini (Iran, Isfarain, 11-13. 11 2011); International scientific conference in honor of Rudaki’s Day "Issues of publication, research and education of Rudaki heritage in the modern era" (Dushanbe, September 22, 2014); International conference on the 600th anniversary of Abdurrahmon Jami (Dushanbe, September 2014); the international conference on celebration in honour of Sheikh Qasim Anwar (Iran, Turbati Jom, 20-22. 08. 2015), the international symposium on the 675th anniversary of Amir Alisher Navoi (Kabul, April 11-16, 2016), the international conference "Kamoli Khujandi: the formation of literary studies and literary relations" (Khujand, October 28-29, 2016), participated in the international symposium "The Place of Excellence of Khujandi in Literature and Culture of East " (Khujand, October 15-17, 2020). All mentioned articles were delivered and the texts of which have been published as well as.